Knowledge Unlatched Extends Pledging Deadline to 28 February


Knowledge Unlatched has extended the sign-up deadline for all libraries and institutions wishing to support its Pilot Collection to 28 February 2014.

The decision provides libraries with an additional month to pledge their support for the Pilot Collection, which consists of 28 new scholarly books from 13 recognised publishers.

The decision comes in the wake of the December announcement by HEFCE of a grant of up to £550 for libraries in England that sign up for the Pilot Collection.

According to Frances Pinter, Executive Director of Knowledge Unlatched:

"Shortly before Christmas, the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) announced a grant of up to £550 for libraries in England that sign up for the Pilot Collection. We are delighted by the extent to which both large and small libraries from all around the world are getting behind the project. We hope that extending the pledging deadline will ensure that libraries in England have time to take advantage of the HEFCE funding."

Knowledge Unlatched is seeking support from libraries from all over the world to make the books in the Pilot Collection available on a Creative Commons licence. As a result, extending the pledging period for universities in England also provides libraries elsewhere in the world with more time to learn about the project and to sign up.

Find out more about the Knowledge Unlatched project by watching this short animation: KU in 60 Seconds.

Details of the HEFCE funding announcement are available here.

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