KU: The Movie (behind the scenes)

Knowledge Unlatched: The Movie captures stakeholder perspectives on Knowledge Unlatched and provides insight into what the project is attempting to achieve.
The 7-minute movie was filmed alongside the Jisc Collections/OAPEN conference Open Access Monographs in the Humanities and Social Sciences, which took place at the British Library in July this year.
The conference provided the perfect opportunity to interview publishers, universities and librarians from all over the world interested in open access books including: Shana Kimball (New York Public Library), Lorraine Estelle (Jisc Collections), Martin Hall (University of Salford), Ralf Schimmer (Max Planck Society), Simon Bell (British Library), Sam Bruinsma (Brill), Tom Cochrane (Queensland University of Technology), Ronald Snijder (OAPEN Foundation), Hazel Woodward (Information Power), Leon Loberman and Lucy Montgomery (Knowledge Unlatched).
I was given the role of sound assistant and learned how to hold the mic and cables so as to pick up enough sound but not get in the way of the camera!
Our thanks go to the British Library who allowed us to film during the conference as well as all of the interviewees.