KU at Australian Digital Alliance Copyright Forum, Canberra

Lucy Montgomery, Knowledge Unlatched’s Deputy Director and Associate Professor at the Centre for Culture and Technology, Curtin University, will be speaking at the Australian Digital Alliance Copyright Forum 2015 on 13 February at the National Library of Australia in Canberra.
She will be joined by speakers from Creative Commons Australia, Google, State Library of NSW, the Council of Australian Governments Education Council, the Internet Society of Australia, the Australian Governments Open Access and Licensing Framework, Electronic Frontiers Australia and others.
Lucy’s presentation, entitled ‘Knowledge Unlatched: New Frontiers in Open Access’ will provide an overview of the Knowledge Unlatched Proof-of-Concept Pilot, including information about why the Pilot was carried out, how OA challenges differ for books and journals, and what the Pilot’s success tells us about the future of scholarly communication. Latest usage data for the Pilot Collection will be presented, along with key challenges and next steps.
The full programme and registration details can be found here.