KU Announces Next Collections: KU Select 2016

Knowledge Unlatched (KU) is asking interested publishers to submit both front list and backlist titles for the next KU collections: KU Select 2016.
KU Select 2016 follows on from the successful unlatching of new books earlier this year, bringing the total to over 100 Open Access books. This time we will offer both new books and complementary older books that will be useful to both researchers and students in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our greatly expanded programme is in its planning stage and we will make public the new books soon.
Apr-May: Submission of titles by publishers
June: Selection process completed by librarian committee
July: Metadata & website preparation, author permissions etc
Sep-Jan 2017: Library pledging period followed by billing of libraries & unlatching
To be kept up-to-date, librarians should register for a library account on our website in order to receive notifications: https://app.knowledgeunlatched.org/register
Publishers interested in participating in KU Select 2016 who have not received notification yet from KU should contact Christina Emery for further details.