Language Science Press and Knowledge Unlatched cooperate

Berlin, 26.10.2016. Language Science Press (LangSci) has chosen Knowledge Unlatched (KU) as its partner for creating sustainable funding starting in 2017.
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Based on its global network of over 380 scholarly libraries, KU will expand to language institutes in order to secure the publication of around 30 high quality linguistic monographs per year from 2018 onwards. This is following up on an initial grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
“Knowledge Unlatched has developed into one of the most innovative and, at the same time, most stable initiatives in Open Access,” said Prof. Stefan Müller, who founded Language Science Press in 2014 together with Prof. Martin Haspelmath. “We are happy about the secure and sustainable funding that the KU model will provide to our discipline.”
“I am looking forward to developing our model further for Language Science Press and I am excited about the reaction in the scholarly world,“ said Dr. Sven Fund, Managing Director of Knowledge Unlatched. “It is our joint aim to make Open Access sustainable, and Language Science Press’ ambitious programme will give us particular momentum towards this.”
About Language Science Press:
Language Science Press aims to put scholars back into control of publishing to enhance quality and circulation and to improve access and scholarly exchange. Founded in 2014, 26 books in various subfields of linguistics and adjacent fields have already appeared in the network – all are Open Access publications and also available in printed form. More information:
About Knowledge Unlatched:
Knowledge Unlatched is a global initiative where publishers and libraries work together to make books in the Humanities and Social Sciences available on an Open Access basis for anyone to access, anywhere. 55 respected publishers and 380 libraries have participated in the initiative so far. More information: