Knowledge Unlatched Announces Expansion into STEM in 2018

Knowledge Unlatched Announces Expansion into STEM in 2018
Berlin, 4th July 2017 Knowledge Unlatched (KU) is happy to announce its move into the STEM publishing market. From Q1 2018 onwards, KU will accept submissions—both books and journals—in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This will form a new KU Select collection to be offered for pledging in mid-2018.
Open Access in STEM subject areas offers growth opportunities for KU’s cooperative model. Publishers are looking to expand their Open Access portfolio, for which KU provides the optimal solution. The company’s platform helps both publishers and librarians to easily navigate submission and pledging processes. This solution can accelerate the Open Access market, irrespective of the subject area.
“We’ve seen strong support from libraries and publishers in the Humanities and Social Sciences. This is the ideal time to expand into STEM, as publishers are also seeking solutions for books in areas other than HSS. KU, as an intermediary, offers a bridge between publishers and librarians,” says Sven Fund, Managing Director of Knowledge Unlatched.
The size and focus of the new collection will be decided by the Title Selection Committee after the first submissions have arrived. Publishers interested in participating are invited to register at or contact to receive updates on the next steps.
About Knowledge Unlatched:
Knowledge Unlatched (KU) is the largest independent Open Access initiative worldwide. KU brings together libraries who collaboratively pool funds to make Open Access possible. Up until now, more than 450 titles have been made publicly available, with more than 300 books and journals on offer in the current pledging period: KU Select 2017.
Contact: Marcel Knöchelmann, Marketing & Communications,
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