Oable incorporates all of Elsevier’s journals

Amsterdam/Berlin, June 2nd, 2022: Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing and information analytics, is establishing a pilot with Oable, the innovative open access (OA) workflow management solution developed by Knowledge Unlatched, to simplify the librarian approval workflow for open access publishing.
Oable supports libraries in managing their OA activities across publishers, including different types of commercial agreements and products. The new partnership will be piloted with select institutions with the aim of streamlining transactions and reducing the administrative burden on librarians and university officials. This means librarians for the institutions participating in the pilot will be able to manage their OA agreements and arrangements for all Elsevier journals through the Oable platform.
Gwen Evans, Vice-President of Global Library Relations at Elsevier, said: “Elsevier is pleased to partner with Oable in this pilot to support librarians and help simplify their important processes by adding our OA agreements to the platform. As one of the fastest-growing open access publishers in the world, we want to help make it easy for librarians to administer OA activities alongside the critical support they provide to researchers and faculty.”
“As the volume of articles published in peer-reviewed journals continues to skyrocket, Oable customers are seeking a solution that not only eases the growing burden of administrative work, but also covers their agreements across publishers,” says Dr. Sven Fund, Senior Director at Wiley-VCH GmbH. “We anticipate that the inclusion of Elsevier’s open access journal agreements in Oable will be highly welcomed by the library community.”
About Knowledge Unlatched
Knowledge Unlatched, a Wiley brand, is committed to open access to academic content for readers and researchers and open access solutions to libraries and publishers around the world. Its online platform is the central point of contact for libraries worldwide to support open access models, book and journal collections of leading publishing houses and various Open Access initiatives. It’s Open Access workflow tool Oable is a vital solution for libraries to seamlessly manage their Open Access Management activities and processes.