Infrastructure Partners

The CLOCKSS project, under the auspices of Stanford University, is a peer-to-peer network that develops and supports an open source system allowing libraries to collect, preserve and provide their readers with access to material published on the Web. Its main goal is the digital preservation.

EDItEUR is the international group coordinating development of the standards infrastructure for electronic commerce in the book, e-book and serials sectors.

Jisc Collections is the negotiation and licensing service of Jisc that supports the procurement of digital content for higher education and research institutions in the UK.

Knowledge Base+ (KB+) is a service from Jisc Collections that aims to help UK libraries manage their e-resources more efficiently by providing accurate publication, subscription, licence and management information.

Language Science Press publishes high quality, peer-reviewed open-access books in linguistics. All publications are free for both authors and readers.

LYRASIS partners with member libraries, archives and museums and other cultural heritage organizations to create, access and manage information with an emphasis on digital content, while building and sustaining collaboration, enhancing operations and technology, and increasing buying power.

The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) is a central scientific service unit within the Max Planck Society (MPG) dedicated to the strategic planning, development and operation of the digital infrastructures necessary for providing the institutes with scientific information and for supporting web-based scholarly communication.

The OAPEN Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation based in the Netherlands. OAPEN is dedicated to open access, peer-reviewed books and it operates two platforms, the OAPEN Library, a central repository for hosting and disseminating OA books, and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), a discovery service for OA books.

The Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association aims to represent the interests of Open Access (OA) journal and book publishers globally, across all subjects and disciplines. This mission will be carried out through exchanging information, setting standards, advancing models, advocacy, education, and the promotion of innovation.

OCLC is a global library cooperative that provides shared technology services, original research and community programs for its membership and the library community at large.

PaperHive introduces seamless discussion of research papers directly in the browser, embedded in the regular workflow. This enables researchers to attach questions, corrections, formulas, figures, further literature, code, or data directly to the original text where everyone can benefit from it.

Portico is among the largest community-supported digital archives in the world. Working with libraries and publishers, Portico preserve e-journals, e-books, and other electronic scholarly content to ensure researchers and students will have access to it in the future.

ProQuest is committed to empowering researchers and librarians around the world. ProQuest is a key partner for content holders of all types, preserving and enabling access to their rich and varied information.

The Queensland University of Technology is a founding library of Knowledge Unlatched.

STM is the leading global trade association for academic and professional publishers. It has over 150 members in 21 countries who each year collectively publish nearly 66% of all journal articles and tens of thousands of monographs and reference works. STM members include learned societies, university presses, both subscription and open access publishers, new starts and established players.

The vision of UKSG is: A world in which all parties involved in scholarly communications understand each other’s goals and challenges, and therefore can work together to improve the flow of knowledge and the information experience of scholars and researchers.

The University of Melbourne is a founding library of Knowledge Unlatched.

The University of Western Australia is a founding library of Knowledge Unlatched.